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ep. 66: it's their fault

Prompts for the week:

What do you believe about your life?  

What do you believe about yourself?  

What are the lessons your parents taught you?  

I've been hosting a journaling pop-up class 2x/wk

and here's what I've noticed:

The classes are in the evening - after dinner -

when my brain and body are tired.

I answered the prompts, like the ones I gave you above,

and I was so MEAN.

My written thoughts are SUPER negative at 7pm. 

Literal night and day from my morning vibes.

No wonder I feel so tired!

What does this tell me?

I (we?)

have negative self talk

running in the background

every day,

that we are not aware of. 

TODAY'S DEEP BREATH: here's a practical juju nugget, a collective Next Best Decision.

Is it better to know? or not know?

What's running in your brain all day? Do we even want to know?

Since we're here, let's entertain an idea. Stay with me.

If we don't know,

what are we doing

with all that negative energy?

Do we project it onto others - blame them for us feeling bad? (It's their fault!)

We do.

Do we bury it inside our bodies, try to ignore it,

until it builds up and we get sick?

We are.

In the moment,

we do. It's like

wearing gray colored glasses.

Everything looks shady.

We don't trust others, because we cannot trust ourselves.

Doomsy? Not really.

The good news is when we journal, it's like letting some of the air

out of the balloon. Release. Relief.

It's NOT better to NOT see it.

If we are coming from a clean brain space,

we blame others less, project it less onto others -

which means we see our loved ones,

even strangers,

much more clearly.

Totally worth it.

Try out the prompts, write out your answers or record them,

then read or listen back.

How much compassion do you have for you?

it's their fault
3 prompts for blame


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