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43: Solstice Gift

Happy Solstice to you! Merry Sunday Brunch. Let's raise our mimosas or mugs and clink a cheers to a bit of connection between work, notices and ads in your inbox. Written with a London accent in my head. Reading with an accent is completely your (next best) decision.

Since we will be asleep during the official minute of solstice, 5:00 Monday morning, I am choosing to celebrate all day today.

Don't worry. I've not "gone all Pagan on you." Ha.

While I did fill out Christmas cards and plan a lovely spread for the holiday this week, may I also indulge to add a little of my own flavor and spice to convention?

Tradition and conformity look fresh with a little extra spice.

While the moon will only be a sliver, the planets Jupiter and Saturn are celebrating with us this year. From where your eyes sit on this planet, these two worlds are meeting in your line of sight and creating what appears to be One Bright Star.

Jupiter's neutral marble-y stripes and orange belly button will visually sync with Saturn, whose rings are slowly being absorbed by her gravitational pull.

It's being labeled The Great Conjunction.


There are brighter days ahead; that's the general meaning of the Winter Solstice.

A contemplation of darkness.

It closely cousins with Hanukkah, a celebration of light.

A Christian, who has unknowingly adopted pagan holidays, may call this crossing

The Christmas Star, and potentially see meaning centered around God.

The three Magi, or Wise Men, from the Christmas Story were great astrologists, looking to planets and signs and giving horoscopes of meaning to what they could see in the sky. What would we think of the Magi now? They purportedly arrived months after his springtime birth to declare Jesus special and horoscopally foretold.

Astrology's horoscopes and tarot cards have increased in popularity in 2020, due to the general opinion that "it's got to get better than this."

So Merry Christmas! As a gift for all to share, dissect or mock, here is a tarot reading with both you and me in mind:

In the area of Work: Four of Cups.

You dream of something you've wanted, ignoring what you have. You have gifts at your disposal and are being offered another. Focusing on an idealized concept that does not exist makes you unhappy. Or the reverse: you sometimes let go of a dream for poor substitutes.

At Home: Queen of Wands.

You are calmly protective, looking for an exciting new project or to help someone with theirs. Be aware of ego and the desire for advancement, either socially or in career.

Unexpected: Ace of Pentacles

A gift has come to you, either money or materials or time. Beware of greed. Make something worthwhile of the gift. Use it well and be grateful. It is tempting to undervalue or squander this gift. It is not mundane--a true gift from the universe.

Your Role: Queen of Pentacles.

You have worked hard and well, created a life with physical pleasures and beauty, through skills and budgeting. You take pride in practicality. Others enjoy the fruit of your labors, which makes you happy, but you have great satisfaction and confidence in having done it. Be aware of fixating on end results and losing the joy of creating. Don't worry about money so much. It's wise to be careful but not be obsessed with frugality.

The Outcome: Ten of Wands.

This card relates to the Wheel of Fortune card, which is about things out of our control. Remember, life is full of cycles. When we are centered and secure, we can be stable no matter what happens. Do not neglect personal responsibility. Do not blame circumstances for mistakes that you made. What is in your control?

The Ten of Wands has you carrying a heavy burden through the night into the morning. You are almost finished. You may be tired, but you are almost done. Draw on your instincts for the strength to finish what you have started.

Whew, that was a good one.

Today's Deep Breath: here's a practical juju nugget, a collective Next Best Decision.

Today's writing is about gifts and hard work and appreciation. Perhaps some REST, then, filled with gratitude, is what I wish for you and I this week.

Appreciate the taste of every bite.

Feel the replenishment of a sip of water.

See all the beauty in this world and in our sky.

Love the human standing six feet in front of you at the grocery store, as well as the one sitting next to you on the couch.

We are all just doing the best we can.

We get one life.

What will we choose to do with it?

Until next time,

Tami Lowe


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