Morning y'all.
Whew, living the life
a joyful mix
mental stretching,
physical pushing and social animation.
If you're just joining my
OFF the COUCH intention, here's a clip:
My generational default is to deteriorate and linger in a half-life on a couch, get an illness or dis-ease, and slog through y e a r s that way...until I die alone.
And that is not going to happen, because I am on a bright new path.
I've got no plan for this writing,
other than to tell you
what went down this week.
I said YES to a cruise to west coastal Mexico!
I painted with friends on zoom,
during my previous prime TV watching time.
I'll attach a pic it.
I had the BEST visit with my soul-connected friend,
eating lush food,
meditating on her lush patio.
We laughed soooo gooood.
I heard,
for the first time,
the lyrics of BABY'S GOT BACK.
I'd never even heard of Sir Mix-a-Lot.
I think I heard bits of the song
on TV commercials?
Like Chex Mix or Burger King...?
Oh, no wait--was it sung by Donkey in the Shrek movie?
That makes sense--my son's first theater movie.
We watched Shrek a million times.
I'd heard the PG bits.
But, like, the real, FULL lyrics?
It won best rap and solo award in 1992--the year I fully, orthodoxically converted to Mormonism.
I was off the grid.
I saw the full music video
at a
45th birthday sleepover party with 7 women, her age and up, that I hosted in my 1300 sf house.
(OFF the COUCH!)
where I was
eye-witness to
the best booty dancing ever.
I did not know hips could move like that.
It's like...if a clock had 36 numbers--her hips hit them all.
TODAY"S DEEP BREATH: here's a practical juju nugget, a collective
Next Best Decision.
After I decided and proclaimed last week,
and burned that paper
of the path I'd been sitting on,
I received invites
to several things outside my comfort zone,
but only just.
The dates for these events are in the next few weeks,
which is very comfortable--
I can plan a few things a week
and then recover,
Drag Brunch, (The U heard my prayer for matinees!)
Rainbow Cinema Club, (movies with others!)
local Pride Fest and Meet & Greets.
Important to note: I didn't get rid of my TV.
I didn't burn it.
I'm done with all-or-nothing thinking.
I want to live in the middle where it's a combination of
cozy and NEW!
So I am intentionally planning
TV nights at home,
but no longer using TV to escape feelings.
I watched TV 3 times this week:
Nine Strangers, based on a book by an author I adore, and
a documentary on Buddhism.
It's been a great week over here.
Because I shared it with others.
Because I left the house.
Because I hosted at my house.
Back in the saddle.
Because I woke up every day
and got on the gratitude train:
a group of friends get on Zoom
for Mindy Leishman's Dream Builders membership (shout out)
to share what we are grateful for
and a-has from study.
There's a juju nugget:
start your day
by declaring out loud
what you are really happy to have in your life, even if it's just knowing
there is always sun above the clouds.
