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Ep. 50: Truth about Love

Good morning, my lovelies. I'm feeling particularly

succinct and snappy,

grateful and aware

this morning. And the first cup isn't half in yet!

I wanna talk about LOVE.

Are you with me,

can you stand it? Let's go.

After all this typing and talking about divorce, separation and sorrow

and questioning, Am I Gay?...

Let's tell the truth about Love.


#1 We are raised to kind of expect love from others.

When I want to feel loved,

it'll come from outside of me.

"Others" didn't get the memo, because they are doing the same thing.

We are all shuffling on this planet together,

all expecting love from others.

We truly think love will come from outside of us.

So when we feel unloved, we look outside for it.


#2 If we are not yet adept at speaking the truth

with assertive respect,

our poor communication pushes Others away.

Our Other wants love too, and we are "not being loving"

so they decide they're


We try to bring in more love, but we don't know how,

and we feel worse when it doesn't work.

Then we feel MORE UNLOVED.


#3 This is so simple, you're going to scoff. Don't.

This will save every relationship you have in your life,

even if the decision is made to break it off,

the relationship will be saved.

Love yourself first. Unconditionally.

When you super-size your fries and eat every last one, love yourself fully.

When you catch a glance of your body

in the mirror before your shower, love yourself fully.


You can't connect to them if you can't connect to You.


TODAY'S DEEP BREATH: here's a practical juju nugget, a collective Next Best Decision.

Okay, what is Unconditional Love? Come on, you know this one.

Unconditional Love: it's when you love someone

no matter what they do, say, or look like.

Think of someone you love no matter what.

Is it their brain? Their body?

What is it about them that draws you close?

There is something inside each of us,

our person,

our soul,

that is the core of who we are.

You have, and I have, a core of who we are.

When we truly love someone else,

we kind of love their core. We love who they are.

But we don't do this for ourselves.

We actually treat ourselves quite badly.

We see the mirror. We feel disgust, disappointment or judgement.

We see our imperfections at work, in family or church as "wrong."

And that feels like we're never enough.

We feel insufficient.

And we are looking for people outside of ourselves to help us to feel better.


I'm going to attempt to create an audio podcast file and

put it on my site this morning--we'll continue the conversation over there.

With warm connection,

Tami Lowe


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